Arno Fischer. Photography

With 183 photographs, the Institute for International Cultural Relations (ifa) presents an impressive overview of the outstanding oeuvre of the photographer and photography teacher Arno Fischer, who was born in 1927 in Berlin. To this day, his black-and-white photos have influenced several generations of photographers – not only in the east of Germany.

28 Stops

1 ⁄ 10
  • Seoul , South Korea

    Sungkok Art Museum



  • Busan, South Korea

    GoEun Museum of Photography



  • Recife, Brazil

    Museu do Estado de Pernambuco (MEPE) – Landesmuseum vom Pernambuco



3 Contributors

  • Matthias Flügge,

    Arno Fischer,


  • Alexander Lisewski,

    Project Management ifa

About the exhibiton

The exhibition presents the different phases of Arno Fischer’s work, starting with his early photographic essay Situation Berlin which takes an in-depth look at the four allied sectors of the city. With the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, a planned book of these photos was forbidden. Also on show are Arno Fischer’s photographs for the East German culture and fashion magazine Sibylle and his fascinating portraits of celebrities
such as Marlene Dietrich. Numerous travel pictures from all over East Germany, but also from India, Africa and New York, are another highlight of the exhibition.

The last section of the exhibition is devoted to a series of intimate Polaroid pictures of Arno Fischer’s garden. The artist arranged still-lifes and detail shots in groups. They show an essence, a concentration of his work.

Arno Fischer. Fotografie

Hg: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e. V. (ifa)
228 Seiten
24,5 x 28 cm

Texte: Matthias Flügge, Thomas Martin
Design: Michael de Maizière
Verlag: Hatje Cantz Verlag

Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-7757-2548-4
Status: Softcover verfügbar

ifa Shop

117 Artworks

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