ifa Agora

Network, Collection, Archive. Art

The ifa Agora is the central platform for the network, collection and archive of ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) in the field of art. It is a place of transcultural exchange – just as the agora in ancient Greece was a city’s most important meeting place and marketplace. It shows ifa’s relationships and brings them together online.

with/against the flow. Contemporary Photographic Interventions. #3 Sebastian Stumpf #4 Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs
with/against the flow. Contemporary Photographic Interventions. #3 Sebastian Stumpf #4 Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs
Barbara Klemm. Light and Dark. Photographs from Germany
Barbara Klemm. Light and Dark. Photographs from Germany
FUTURE PERFECT. Contemporary Art from Germany
FUTURE PERFECT. Contemporary Art from Germany
Making Public: 40 Artists from the Collection of the Centre for Art Exhibitions of the GDR
Making Public: 40 Artists from the Collection of the Centre for Art Exhibitions of the GDR

Look at the collection